About Us
Data Recta was founded in 2008 and since then it continues to grow and to enhance new products and services, always in favorite of the customers. It exploits all IT technological innovations while considering the needs and trends in both Greek and International market. Constantly trained in the latest IT technologies and actively participating in the work-studies of our main partner, Microsoft, seeking ways to improve further our products and reduce their prices. Our philosophy suggests the reduction of IT costs and the simultaneously improvement in the business functions is achieved through cheaper, reliable and state of the art IT solutions.
Data Recta is a Microsoft certified partner in the domains of CRM & Business Intelligence. Simultaneously, it provides all available solutions of Microsoft products for the Small and Medium Businesses, proving that its competency as Microsoft Small Business Specialist is justified. In addition, it emphasizes to the Online Services and in the Cloud Computing, which is the natural evolution of the IT industry.
Finally, it provides vertical solutions, as an independent software vendor (ISV) and through its partnership with the leading Hardware and Network companies, is delivering full intergraded solutions to its customers.
The company's philosophy enforces cooperation only with the top IT vendors. Data Recta is empowered by experienced and certified - in their field - computer scientists, and also is giving importance to ethics and moral behavior. Always chooses the most passionate and thirsty for knowledge and development employees, in order to provide the customer the best and most efficient solution to each problem or need.